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Reality LA Audio Podcast: Bible Teaching

Sep 29, 2020

Pastor Nathan Potter preaches a sermon from Numbers 10:11-16 about the wilderness being the very place where God dwells with us.

Sep 22, 2020

Pastor Jeremy Treat begins our series through the book of Numbers with a sermon from Numbers 1:1-16 introducing the book's setting, plot, characters, and hero.

Sep 15, 2020

Pastor Philip Chew preaches a sermon from Psalm 46 exploring how, even in the midst of overwhelming and unravelling circumstances, we can still find peace and confidence in God.

Sep 8, 2020

Pastor Adam Smith preaches a sermon from Psalm 133 exploring biblical unity as a gift from God to set his people apart and bless the nations...and how we can process disunity.

Sep 1, 2020

Pastor Jeremy Treat preaches a sermon from Philippians 4:20-23 recapping the themes of the book of Philippians, examining the ways those themes apply to our current circumstances in a pandemic and in need of racial reconciliation, and reminding us that, while anxiety, racism, and suffering are real, they will not...