Oct 29, 2018
Pastor Jeremy Treat preaches a sermon from Mark 12:35-44, digging into the examples Jesus highlights there of self-centered religion versus self-giving devotion.
Oct 21, 2018
There are 39 books and over 600,000 words in the Old Testament. If you had two sentences to summarize its teaching, how would you do it? Pastor Jeremy Treat preaches a sermon on how Jesus did it in Mark 12:28-34.
Oct 14, 2018
When the Sadducees ask Jesus a cynical question in an attempt to trap him with his own words, his wise answer exposes the importance of understanding the whole Scriptures in order to know the holy, holistic God they talk about. Pastor Nathan Potter preaches a sermon from Mark 12:18-27.
Oct 7, 2018
Pastor Jeremy Treat preaches from a passage where Jesus is confronted by leaders from both ends of the political spectrum and responds with a characteristically expectation-reframing response.
Oct 1, 2018
When the religious and political leaders of Jerusalem confront Jesus about who he is, he answers by telling his last parable recorded in Mark. Pastor Jeremy Treat preaches a sermon on the exchange.