May 30, 2016
How did Jesus rescue God's people, fulfill God’s promises, and establish the kingdom through His own suffering? Pastor Adam Smith preaches from Isaiah 52:13-53:12 on the prophecy of a coming Messiah, and explains how Christ's victory through suffering changes our lives now.
May 22, 2016
What is our focus as a church, and what are our individual roles within that focus? Pastor Jeremy Treat preaches from John 21:20-23 on Jesus’ call to each of us to follow Him, love others in community, and point people to the gospel. This teaching references the 2016 video Reality LA: The First Ten Years.
May 15, 2016
How does King David's life show us the beauty of humility, repentance, and trust in God? Pastor Jeremy Treat preaches from 2 Samuel 7:1-17 on King David’s strengths and weaknesses, which point us to the ultimate King and servant, Jesus Christ.
May 9, 2016
How does the story of God delivering Israel from slavery in Egypt relate to our lives now? Pastor Jeremy Treat preaches from Exodus 6:2-9 on how Israel's exodus points forward to Jesus’ atoning death, which sets humanity free from slavery to sin.
May 1, 2016
What does worshiping the Lord with a whole heart look like? Pastor Jeremy Treat teaches on how Psalm 97 reveals the idols of our hearts, reorders our praise toward God, and reignites our joy in worshiping our King.